Plans for next season

My 6th season as a professional has now come to a close. It’s flown by if I’m honest. Whilst I feel I am growing in experience, it wasn’t necessarily my best season on the course and I don’t have any great results or trophies to shout about. As always, I feel like I have learned a lot. I try to do this in all walks of life as you can’t always get what you want (in my case, results) but you can always try to learn to better prepare yourself for next time.
Since I last wrote to you, I have seen an upturn in results in the majority of my events even though as I say on the whole I don’t finish the season achieving the goals I set out to achieve at the start of the year. The upturn in form has coincided with a change of coach and direction for my game, which has led to noticeable improvements technically and mentally, and fills me with great optimism for the future. I now feel like I have more clarity on what to work on, more intent in my practice, and my statistics are showing huge improvements in some really key areas. For the last few months I felt like I was coming into form and a big result was around the corner, but despite the improvements, it hasn’t quite fallen in to place yet and I feel like I’ve simply run out of events.
On the plus side and looking ahead, I now have a full off-season ahead of me to spend time at home and bed in any further changes under the supervision of my coach. I look forward to next season with a plan and great optimism for my best golf being very, very close.
I look forward to hopefully seeing you guys around the Island soon!