Notification of changes to the underlying fund of P33 Aberdeen Standard SICAV I Chinese Equity

15 May 2020

We have been notified by Aberdeen Standard Investments (the “Company”) of the following change to the name, benchmark and investment objective of the underlying fund of P33 Aberdeen Standard SICAV I Chinese Equity. These changes will take effect from 7 July 2020 (the “Effective Date”).


Before the Effective Date

With effect from the Effective Date

Mirror fund Name

Aberdeen Standard SICAV I Chinese Equity

Aberdeen Standard SICAV I All China Equity Fund

Mirror Fund Code



Underlying Fund Name

Aberdeen Standard SICAV I - Chinese Equity Fund

Aberdeen Standard SICAV I - All China Equity Fund

Benchmark of the underlying fund

MSCI Zhong Hua Index (USD)

MSCI China All Shares Index

The Company have also confirmed the below, which has been extracted from the Shareholder Circular of the underlying fund of P33 Aberdeen Standard SICAV I Chinese Equity.

“The proposed change from the Effective Date shall provide investors with a more flexible way to access all available equity instruments in order to access the Chinese equity market and its potential. The Fund shall be able to invest up to 100% of its net assets in Mainland China equity and equity-related securities through the Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme or by any other available means, this is currently restricted to 30% of its net assets and this limit will continue to apply to QFII and RQFII quotas. The benchmarks shall also change from the MSCI Zhong Hua Index (USD) to the MSCI China All Shares Index which will better reflect the updated investment objective and policy, as well as the investment universe available to the Fund. In the same view, the Fund will therefore also be renamed as the All China Equity Fund. Following this change in investment policy, the Fund may be subject to increased concentration risk, risk of investing in emerging markets, risks associated with Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme and risks associated with the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) board or ChiNext. The above risk factors are detailed in the existing Hong Kong Offering Documents.”


Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact International Funds & Investments.